Black & Brass Blog

Batch 101

Batch 101

French roast, Brazilian and Honey Bourbon blend. Has a smoky flavor with a hint of licorice. This blend boasts a spiced sweetness under its rich and dark overtones.

Batch 32

Batch 32

Three bean blend of Ethiopia, Sumatra, and Guatemala beans. Smoky sweet and rich taste. Rich earth coating, thick and complete. The mother of all blends.

Blend 228

Blend 228

After many requests, we have released this blend for sale on our online store.  Usually only available for sale directly from Woodloch Resort, this rich and interesting roast can now be shipped directly to you!



Single origin Colombia bean. Subtle, warm, almond like flavor, bright taste. Sunshine. Mellow with natural hints of sweetness great for any season or to mix with other roasts.



Introducing the Contrablend!  (The Beans the Borough Banned)

Inspired by the inept council of 2020-21 that forced us to move the roasting operation out of our hometown for “illegally manufacturing“ coffee (read more).

A medium, smoky and sweet blend with a hint of a robust French roast. The exceptional aroma of this coffee smells heavenly when freshly roasted, filling the air with the rich scent of a premium product.

A cup so tasty it Should be criminal. Cease and desist all other blends.

Darling Dark

Darling Dark

A chocolatey French roast and Guatemala blend. Perfectly balanced and softly structured combo of light and dark.



Costa Rican light city roast. Crisp citrus creates a subtle tart acidity. Elegant orange coating with a soft aftertaste. Truly one of our best single origins.